Banking in Kindergarten

We began the process of earning money just like grown ups! Each day if you choose to work you recieve a pay check. You have to take your pay check to the bank and cash it. After cashing it you have to fill in your deposit slip. To fill in your deposit slip you have to represent the amount of money in a different way beside writing a number. The children can use tally marks, other coin amoungs (i.e. draw a nickel for five pennies), or other creative ways they come up with. This has really expanded the children's number sense and understanding of amounts. Your sweet children even made a vault to keep their money safe :)

Lots of Money!!!!!!

Keeping track of how much money we have in the bank in our bank books
Stamping our checks
Our deposit slip is complete we are readying to put some money in the bank
Depositing Money

Keeping it safe in the vault

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